A renewed sense of vitality—thanks to astrological guidance.

Life is a little… chaotic at the moment.

You find yourself saying “I wish…” “I hope…” “I think…” 

And feeling like your whole life is a dumpster fire.

Just when you think you’ve got everything under control—boom!

Something else blows up in your face. 

You’re ready to revamp your whole life!


     It’s time to drastically shake shit up—I mean… it’s already being shaken… So why not do it up right?


And get on a path that lights you up, amiright?

Elizabeth, clinical herbalist & medical astrologer.

Imagine working 1:1 with an astrologer who could answer that call.

Get you to understand what makes you special & what would make your soul sing!

Being on a call with someone who truly, deeply sees you & what’s going on in your world. 

And best of all—who can help you fix that dumpster fire 🔥

By working with your unique energy instead of trying to shut that sh*t down,


The Sun Membership: Personalized Astrology Chart Guidance

The only space that exists to guide you through your ENTIRE astrology chart—all 12 houses—with 1:1 personalized guidance.

(If you’re newer to astrology—you're gonna love this!)

Over the course of a year, you get back in touch with your true essence. ✨

You find your way back to that little you you once were, who was so freaking clear on what she wanted & where she wanted to go in this life.

At the end of 12 months, you’ll have inspected every astrology chart house, every avenue of life, and find yourself living more authentically.

You’ll gain so much confidence & clarity. And have absolutely NO doubt as you move throughout your life!

Your Personal Astrologer & Guide: Elizabeth Martin

Hello! I’m Elizabeth, a Medical Astrologer and Clinical Herbalist who has an educational and professional background spanning over a decade in Behavioral Psychology.

I'm the heart and soul behind The Medicinal Melange, a holistic apothecary based in Central Texas that focuses on empowering you with ancient knowledge for your very busy (sometimes messy) modern life. 

When I'm not immersed in the world of herbalism and medical astrology, you'll find me embracing my roles as magical educator, land stewardess, and mother.

In fact… 

It wasn't until my daughter's diagnosis with PANDAS that my calling to explore clinical herbalism became undeniably clear.

My parents taught me early how certain plants, floral scents, grown fruits and vegetables, and even natural shapes can shift the energy of a space.

I’ve taken it a step further to uncover how herbalism and medical astrology help us understand and honor the Universe’s imprint on our lives.

This is knowledge I deeply desire to pass along to others so they know how to live a full, happy, aligned life!

And that is what inspired The Sun Membership!

What’s included in The Sun Membership?

The Sun is a year-long guided journey into your personalized astrology chart.

It’s part teaching, part therapy.

You’ll learn about your specific astrological makeup (spiritual, physical, and emotional aspects) from a house-by-house perspective.

This is YOUR time, YOUR space, & YOUR unique blueprint we’re tapping into!

Your membership includes:

☀️ (2) 1:1 calls each month. (These are NOT group calls!)

  • Call 1 Teaching Session: 1-hour long call where I talk about one house in your chart
  • You’ll learn about the elements & shake-ups that may occur in this house.
  • Journal prompts & ways you can reflect after that 1st call.
  • Call 2 Reflection & Healing Session: 1-hour long call where I listen
  • I want to hear how you interpreted call no. 1, as well as your reflections since that meeting.
  • This also allows me to bring in my background in behavioral psychology (let's use all that fancy information I know) to assist you even further.

☀️ Each Monday I pull tarot cards & share the spread with you—along with journal prompts for inward reflection.

☀️ Immediate access to past astrology trainings!

Frequently Asked Questions

How long is The Sun Membership?

This is a 12 month program. You’ll be autobilled monthly on the date you sign up.

Does this include astrology chart readings?

The Sun is a membership where you gain a deeper understanding of your unique astrological blueprint and how to lean into that to live your most authentically aligned life!

During the first call of each month, I guide you through the house we’re focusing on that month. I’m not reading your chart, but I am pointing out common themes & some situations that could pop up because of certain placements in your chart.

The second call is where we discuss more about what you’ve noticed with your deeper awareness of your personal astrology chart. This is also where I share behavioral patterns that may have you stuck in your planetary placements and ways you can create fluid abundance in your life.

Is this a group program?

Nope! Just me, you, and the cosmos. This facilitates deeping conversations and a safe space to fully explore whatever needs to come up to move forward.

 Do we meet in person or virtually?

Our two, one-hour meetings will be done virtually on specific days and times every month (typically on the first & third Tuesdays) to ensure that our time is honored every month without interruptions.

Do you include any herbal suggestions?

Absolutely! When I feel called to share herbs that support your journey (physically or even energetically), I will always take time to teach you about them so you feel more confident in how to support your body during this journey toward living your best life.

Are we only discussing the chart from a medical astrology lens?

Simply put- no. When our body is in balance, our mental health thrives, we stand out more in our career, and we attract abundance. However, there are many moving cogs that contribute to living your best life and medical astrology is just one of them!

How to Gain a Deeper Understanding of Your Personal Astrology Chart Each Month…

Ready to discern your unique makeup through the lens of astrology & have a happy, thriving life?

After purchase, you’ll receive an email with more details.

You’ll book your first 1:1 call where I walk you through the membership hub, resource materials, and finalize any scheduling questions or hiccups.

And then, my beautiful friend, you’ll be well on your way to a clear path that’ll direct you toward the freedom, confidence, and abundance that you’ve been dreaming of!