Messages from Mars: Astrology you can understand for the week of January 28-February 3rd
Mercury just moved into Aquarius, and we’ve got a New Moon in Aquarius and personally Im feeling like I can breathe a bit. Between Uranus stationing direct and Venus diving into Aries, we’re in for new energy—emotionally, energetically, and physically.
Here is the astrology for the week: I did the work so you don't have to!
1/29- New Moon in Aquarius
Aquarius might be making your circulation weird, so keep it warming moving—because cold feet and shivering bodies aren’t going to help you vibe with the New Moon. For circulation support, think Rosemary and Cleavers. And don’t sleep on hawthorn either; if your anxiety is buzzing, this cardiotonic herb helps calm down that nervous energy in your heart.
1/30 – Uranus goes Direct in Taurus
Uranus finally moves direct, and that mental blockage you’ve been dealing with is gone, baby, gone! Uranus is in Taurus, so it’s time to pay attention to your nose, ears, throat, and neck (including thyroid). Recently you might notice your throat feels a little icky, so drink Spiritum Tea to move that shit along.
Uranus is directly connected to those areas in Taurus, so if you’ve been getting weird throat issues, or feeling tense in your neck, it’s probably the energy of Uranus stirring the pot. Support your thyroid with coconut oils and , if you need it, Ashwagandha, which is packed with essential minerals and bumps up your selenium intake.
1/31 – Moon in Pisces
Pisces energy loves to dream, but it also loves to clear the junk out. And with the Moon in Pisces your lymphatic system may be clogged, so now’s the perfect time to show it some love.
Pisces rules the lymphatic system, which makes this the perfect day to work on clearing out any stagnation. If you’ve been feeling sluggish or blocked, herbs like Calendula and burdock root are some of my favorites and really get things flowing and detoxify and get the shit out.
2/1 – North Node into Pisces
Also, the North Node just made its way into Pisces, and that’s a sleepy vibe, perfect for releasing. So if you’re struggling to shut your brain off at night, consider working with sleep herbs like California poppy. This herb is my personal go-to—it helps turn off the mental chatter so I can finally rest and stop stressing about everything I have to do tomorrow.
2/3 – Moon in Aries squares Mars in Cancer
Oh boy, Aries energy is back, and you know what that means- inflammation central. The Moon is also squaring Mars in Cancer, so expect emotions to run high, and your physical body to feel the tension. This is the time to keep your body moving to transmute that aggressive energy. Don’t just sit there stewing in your emotions. Get up, walk, stretch, do qigong- do something physical!
Once Venus moves into Aries after lunch, things get hot (and not "hawt" in the Paris Hilton way). If you’re dealing with any heart inflammation or blood pressure issues, this is a good time to support yourself with herbs like buckwheat (you know I love an easy lifestyle switch) which supports circulation, aromatics like rosemary, which boosts blood flow, and linden, which helps with cardiovascular health. And Venus rules the kidneys too, so if you've got kidney issues, Agarita or Kava (also releases pain here) can be helpful to support your kidneys and help manage any inflammation.
I’m super excited to announce my Tea of the Month subscription that is launching in February. Each month, I’ll send you a custom tea blend that corresponds with the astrological forecast of the month. Some months it’ll be a signature tea from my line, and other months I’ll blend something totally unique just for you. February’s astrology is calling for lymphatic support, so I’ll be sending out a custom tea that helps with drainage, movement, and keeping your system hydrated and healthy.
It’s an auto-renew subscription for $22/month and the February blend will be a must-have—trust me. Keep an eye out next week for that launch email!